The Phantom the Sundays Volume 7 1960-1963 online. "The Chain" is the 34th Phantom Sunday story. The story was written Lee Falk and drawn Wilson McCoy. The Phantom The Complete Newspaper Dailies Volume 7 Phantom Comp Dailies Hc: The Phantom The Complete Sundays: Volume Five: 1953-1957. PHANTOM COMP SUNDAYS HC VOL 07 1960 -1961 Presented in Volume Seven are thirteen storylines which encompass, "The River Gang" (January 10, Presented in Volume Three of the Complete Sundays are seven storylines which encompass, The Phantom The Complete Newspaper Dailies Volume 7. In an interview for Comic Book Marketplace, Falk said the Phantom's skin-tight costume was inspired Robin Hood, who wore A Sunday Phantom strip was added on May 28, 1939. Ryan died at his home unexpectedly on March 7, 2016. :The Phantom the Complete Sundays Volume 6: 1957-1961 (Phantom, the Complete Sundays The Phantom the Sundays Volume 7: 1960-1963.
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